
Course Description

(River Restoration Professional Certificate Core Course 4) Recent research has found that many river restoration designs fail because they were created to achieve a preconceived notion of the ideal form and function of the stream without recognizing the dynamic processes at work in that watershed. Others fail due to lack of sound alternatives analysis and fundamental engineering. The most successful rely on a fusion of stream mechanics knowledge and progressive design techniques. This approach establishes and supports those stream processes that create and maintain channel form and associated habitats.

In this course, participants will learn about a variety of design approaches and steps for alternative analysis of stream restoration projects. A design process will be demonstrated that integrates landscape scale considerations of geology, soils, and hydrology, with stream processes of hydraulics, sediment transport and geomorphology. Alternative analysis will focus on providing resiliency to stream systems in light of dominant stream processes overlain with biologic goals and human values. The overall focus will be on understanding and design of best management practices in the river restoration context, and on use of process-based design approaches. Classroom and field case examples will be used to demonstrate implementation of a variety of design approaches and techniques. Led by Rob Sampson P.E., the course will feature instruction by regional restoration design experts

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Oct 14, 2025 to Oct 23, 2025
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $920.00
Section Notes

This course is fully online and scheduled for October 14,16, 21, and 23, 2025. The deadline to drop this class for a refund is September 22, 2025. Course registration cannot be transferred to another student. This course requires 221 as a prerequisite. There are no exceptions for the prerequisite. 

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