
Course Description

The wetland mitigation site assessment and design course begins at "square one" for wetland scientists, regulators and other professionals intending to design and/or review mitigation projects. Lectures will focus on site assessment variables for soil conditions, expected hydrology, seed germination, flood risk, compatibility with adjacent lands uses, and related factors.  Within these topics, the instructor will include additional discussion on soil formation, wetland hydrology and plant wetness tolerance.  

Field visits will include examination of several completed mitigation projects, plus workshop-style site assessments to provide participants with hands-on experience to determine the suitability of prospective mitigation site.  The final day of class will involve "pulling it all together" to design a mitigation area and to provide an itemized list of benefits, conflicts, and opportunities. 

The regulatory framework for wetland mitigation will also be presented; however, that framework would not be exclusive to Oregon.  
It is helpful for participants to have previously taken the basic wetland delineation class or other advanced PSU wetland classes (hydric soils, plant identification, etc.); however, there are no required prerequisites for this mitigation class.  There will be several evening reading assignments distributed during class.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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