
Course Description

This is a highly interactive course that includes classroom presentations on trail design, and field tour of some of the biggest trail challenges and best solutions in Portland. The classroom overview will include discussions of trail widths, surfacing, road crossings, safety, user types, trail types, including rails with trails, and more using examples from the best trails around the country. The field tour will take participants along the I-205 path highlighting connections to Portland's light rail system, along the Springwater Corridor including places where the route follows neighborhood greenways, and along the Eastbank Esplanade. Participants are encouraged to bring examples of trail challenges in their community. Suggestions may be trail gaps, difficult crossings, and challenging connections to the on-street network. We will work as a group to examine issues, find precedents, and sketch potential solutions.


Registration: The fee for this professional development course is $195. Students may apply at a reduced rate of $75. This includes continental breakfast, snacks, lunch, and course materials. The fee does not include travel, lodging or other meals while in Portland. 

The first day of the course will require the use of a bicycle. Bike rental is available for $25/day through PSU Bike Hub. You can add the rental when you check out during registration.

Continuing Education Credits: This 1.5-day workshop will provide approximately 9 hours of training which equals to 9 CMs or 9 PDHs. IBPI applies to the AICP for Certification Maintenance credit for each course. We will provide an attendance certificate to those who document their professional development hours. 

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